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Linger (1992)
First play. Two pages. A pair of twins – in sign language and speech, their loves and tales. Brief, ahuman, tender – an urtext. [pdf]

Surrepetition (A Little Power Play.) (1995)
The portrait drawing session of the first woman on American paper money. Auschwitz 50th anniversary. Phone-sex on hold. Bruise makeup. Kaddish.

New School For Social Research, NYC. [pdf]

Sap (1996)
'Avoid telling the story at all cost.' Mother pays men to have her daughter. Holocaust survivors abducted, their bones turned to powder, sold as the new designer drug - "Survivor". Sweet smell of spring in the air. Hole in a sheet. The mezuzah thief. The burning book. A family affair.

Atrium Theater, NYC. [pdf  / images]

MINE (1997)
Two miners dig up objects and make up history. Has history made them up? Struggle over a name. Sex change rituals and singing dancers. Fire. The davening dog. All purpose yod. It all ends in marriage.

Williamsburg Art & Historical Society (WAH), Brooklyn, NY (staged reading). [pdf

BlackBox (1997)
A score of Lady Macbeth's 'unsex me here' monologue & a commercial airliner-crash blackbox transcript. Ghoulish go-go, strap-on slapstick and shofar blowing. Penny for someone else's thoughts. Lost voice of money. The measure of space.

WAH, Bklyn, NY. [pdf & video

Shivah/Proper (2000-2004)
Death is a monologue? The six-armed woman, the three-pronged stethoscope, killer medical care, house of mourning-before-dying; house of prayer made of sticks. The doctor nurses. The nurse bites. The birth [of] objects. The six-armed lady, she sings and dances. A wet and cross-eyed blues.

Williamsburg Art Nexus, BK, NY '03; NYC Fringe Festival, '04. [pdf & video, 2003 & 2004 productions ]

Mound (2001)
Post-Oedipal baseball play. A family of 5 men bury the box of their mother. Some others fall in. She loved them all, literally. Dirt-eater, masked. There's pitching and catching and plenty digging. An earth-y comedy. You want love or rain? Choose. [pdf]

Holy Wa(te)r (2001-2002)
A silent newspaper vaudevillle with scrubbrush, bucket, some film and a song. The fall of the twins, the water dance, the blanket of news. Created & performed by Tiny Volcofsky (M Kennedy Volcofsky & Karmenlara Ely).  

HERE Arts Center, Theatres Against War, NYC, '02. [images]

Stickfigure (2004)
A monologue for two bodies, written in Trinidad, West Indies, spring '04; a kind of adoring and adorning of the Trinidadian tradition of Stickfighting.

National Museum, Port Of Spain, Trinidad. [pdf

Air (1999-2005)
A anti-history. Resurrected death vaudeville. Song and dance and a body-parts auction. Sabbatai Zevi wants to live? Play-in-the-play. Prodigal father, son-of-my-mind. Where's my nurse? The dead man's a cantor. The whole ward sings. An old man writes with a knife and a couple steal the show. "The best one yet." [pdf]

Oven (A Temporary Setback) (2006)
Sweet love that never stops dying. Thrown out of one world, the Oven-Maker’s enlisted in the eternal war of another’s lost love. Language tries to cut its own belly open, for relief from gas. There’s a hair on its tongue, though, and it gurgles ten-thousand names as it tries to recall a word. Great songs, an opening dance – and the body of money infuriates the body of work. Who quits? Walt? [pdf]

Fur Egg (2007)

Commissioned by the "Nomadic New York" festival, Haus der Kunst der Welt, Berlin, Germany.  
August '07.
Curated by Andrè Lepecki.

A three hour structured improvisation. Late-night durational work. Process. 
11pm - 1am.

IN WHICH a t'fillin-wrapped, cock-ringed Jew, dances naked along the epistemosomatic fault, across a CIA-built Berlin stage.
Same as it ever was.

IN WHICH an epic, mythic privacy reveals some few links of a life's chain:  cock ring & t'fillin; white man's burden & clown sack of garbage; history trash bundle & soiled world-screen; prolapsed anus & cyclopian eye of G-d. Prayer & penetration-by-ghost. Dirt & milk. Mud & skin. Whore & totem. Art & electric-terrarium-womb. MaPa & PaMa. Etc.
IN WHICH a totem-easel is built from Berlin garbage, whereupon a portrait is painted from memory of a murdered, ritually abandoned prostitute, found in 2007 alongside three others similarly, ritually abandoned on Black Horse Pike, the outskirts of Atlantic City, NJ. (A serial crime as yet [09/'20] unsolved). 
IN WHICH a "9-11" audience call and response (chorus:  "What's your favorite number?  9-11!  9-11!") occurs. 
The audience roamed in and out; generally sparsely attended.
Only known performance.

Haus der Kunst der Welt, Berlin, Germany.  August '07.   [video, images & art]

Kicked Out Of Death (2008)
Collaborative work created and performed with Peter Jacobs, playing collectively as Père Another.
A folie à dieux: two men thrown into the world and the fraternity of strangers. A postmortal struggle of hilarity, humiliation and confined nomadism. "One wants what the other has; the other wants what's missing." The intrasubjective violence of monologue. "The same" ruptured by curse, and by ass:  thus the impossibility of sleep, and a future of hunger-food.  

Chocolate Factory Theater, LIC, NY.  April-May '08.  [website] [pdf & video]

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